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The Association for Research in Personality (ARP) recently named a set of graduate students and postdocs as recipients of its Emerging Scholar and Diversity Award. Of the 15 award recipients, four of them are current or former Wake Forest graduate students. Congrats to the following students and alumni:

  • Andrew Rakhshani  (graduate of MA program)
  • Yoo Ri, Hwang (continuing MA student)
  • Kira McCabe   (graduate of MA program)
  • Lindley Slipetz (she graduated on Monday!)

Each scholar was awarded up to $300 to cover professional development opportunities, including conference registrations, methods/statistics workshops, and diversity training workshops, courtesy of a gracious donation by Hogan Assessment Systems.

ARP is an international (though mainly North American) scientific organization “devoted to bringing together scholars whose research contributes to the understanding of personality structure, processes, and development.”

