**All awards for the 2023-24 academic year have been disbursed. There are no funds available at this time.**

Support for the Program is made possible through the contributions of alumni and friends to the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Annual Fund.

Funds are available to support the expenses of graduate students who present their research at national and international professional meetings and are awarded on a first come, first served basis.

A maximum of $300 per award will be provided. Not more than one award will be given to any student in one year.

An Alumni Student Travel Award should supplement funds provided from other sources, e.g., funds from a faculty advisor or departmental program.

Requests for support should be submitted by completing the required form and submitting it to the Graduate School office at least 30 days prior to travel.

If you have any questions please contact: Lesli Marshall: driskilb@wfu.edu.

Alumni Travel Form