Where mathematics and a social perspective meet data

by Kim McGrath  |   mcgratka@wfu.edu  |   336.758.3209 Community structure, including relationships between and within groups, is foundational to our understanding of the world around us. New research by mathematics and statistics professor Kenneth Berenhaut, along with former postdoctoral fellow Katherine Moore and […]

Dr. Alan Brown Delivers 21st Annual Poteat Lecture

Dr. Alan Brown, Associate Professor and Bryant/Groves Faculty Fellow and Chair of the Wake Forest Department of Education, delivered the 21st Annual Poteat Lecture on March 31, 2021. The lecture was titled “Lizzie, Mamie, & Mo’ne: Exploring Intersectionality through an Examination of the History of […]

JAAS Emerging Investigator Lectureship 2020 Recipient

We are delighted to announce George L. Donati as the recipient of the Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry Emerging Investigator Lectureship 2020. This Lectureship aims to recognize and support an emerging scientist working in the area of atomic spectrometry in the early stages of their […]

Wake Forest Alumna wins Award for Research on Culture and Gender

At the 47th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cross-Cultural Research, February 21-21, 2018, Las Vegas, NV, USA, Angelica Puzio (WFU MA, 2017) was awarded the Judith L. Gibbons Award for Research on Culture and Gender. Her paper, which was based on her WFU Master’s […]

Dr. Michael Seeds 2017 recipient of the Reidar Wallin Faculty Teaching Award

Congratulations to Dr. Michael Seeds, the 2017 recipient of the Reidar Wallin Faculty Teaching Award in Molecular Medicine and Translational Science Graduate Program. Recognition of his devotion and passion for teaching is well deserved. His teaching excellence has been consistent and long running, […]

Congratulations to the OWIMS 2016 Mentor of the Year

Dr. Dwayne Godwin, Dean of the Graduate School, Biomedical Science Graduate Programs, and Professor of Neurobiology & Anatomy will be awarded the Women’s Achievement and Mentoring Award at a social event on November 30th, 4:00-5:30 pm. Social Open to All Women Faculty and Colleagues of Dr. Godwin (Faculty/Staff/Students). […]

2015 MMTS Reidar Wallin Teaching Award Recipient

Molecular Medicine and Translational Sciences Graduate Program In 2011 we started a new tradition of honoring a faculty member in the MMTS program with a teaching award for their contributions to the MMTS graduate program. Dr. Michael Seeds was the inaugural awardee. In 2012 this […]

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