• Practice sharing your “Pitch” with others: A partnership event with GSA

     The Graduate Student Association is partnering with Professional Development to help you refine your elevator pitch. This is coming up in October and just before the Master’s and PhD Career Fair so you’ll be ready to practice it with employers!  What exactly is an elevator […]

  • What is GRD 717: Career Planning for Graduate Students?

    Have you been looking for answers to your career questions? Been wondering how to effectively search for job? This course can help you engage in your job search and prepare the materials you’ll need to apply anyway! If you’re a full time student – this […]

  • Virtual Career Development

    INTRODUCING THE CAREER RESOURCE PORTAL (CRP) This site is continuously updated with new content for you to get the resources you need when you need them. Want to view resume samples? Get ideas on interview questions? Create a job search plan or find job openings? […]

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